"Watersound" (Watercolor) - Florida - 2018
Aspect Ratio 2:3
Note: This photograph was taken at sunset so the setting sun is illuminating the homes and boardwalk. Subtle color was added to a pure black and white image to accent the signature elements of this community, the vegetative cover, sand dunes, boardwalk and beach homes.

"Wateround Beach" (Watercolor) - Florida - 2018
Aspect Ratio 2:3
Note: This was a sunset photograph.

"Aqua" (Watercolor) - Florida - 2018
Aspect Ratio 2:3
Note: This was taken at mid day. The high sun captured the aqua color of the water where the sand bottom was shallow. I decided to watercolor this photograph with the same aqua color in the sky as was in the water.

"Grayton Beach" (Watercolor) - Florida - 2018
Aspect Ratio 1:1

"Earth Shadow" (Watercolor - Florida 2018
Aspect Ratio 2:1 Panorama
Note: This image was taken pre-dawn. The moon is setting and the sun has not risen yet from behind the camera. One can clearly see the shadow of the earth in the sky below the moon. This only exists for a few short minutes as the sun then rises over the horizon to enlighten the entire sky.

The Brandom Gallery!