"Tempest" - Lake Kussharo, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
Aspect Ratio 3:2 - Color
This photo was taken on the shore of Lake Kusharro in Hokkaido, Japan. It's entitled "Tempest" because literally the wind was howling. No idea how fast, but high enough I had to weigh down my tripod to keep it from vibrating. The snow was blowing right to left, almost horizontally. In Kansas we call this a blizzard!
In order to capture individual flakes of snow, I increased my camera ISO to 1600, set the aperture to F/6.3 and the shutter speed to 1/320 second. You may need to click on the photo to enlarge it to see the effect. I also made the decision to present this image to you in full color.
Hokkaido is an absolute winter wonderland in January. I spent 10 days there photographing beautiful winter landscapes. It snowed literally every single day with temperatures ranging from from 0 to 15 degrees F.

"Swan In Snow" - Teshikaga, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
This was taken on a frozen lake during heavy snowfall. This beautiful swan was one of several in a group, none of which seemed to be bothered at all by the cold temperatures and freezing precipitation! It was strange to see such beautiful birds so completely at home in this environment.

"Old And New" - Lake Kussharo, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
1:1 Square Aspect Ratio - Color
I love this picture. The older, experienced tree has given up all its leaves to the wind standing patiently for spring to emerge. The younger, newer part fiercely keeps its leaves despite the raging wind, not yet ready to give them up. I love it.

"Three White Birch" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
4:5 Aspect Ratio - Black and White
The White Birch is such a beautiful tree. I was very taken with with this group of three.

"Kusshiro Tango" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
1:1 Aspect Ratio - Color
This two trunked tree reminds me of the graceful moves of Tango dancers as the woman trustingly falls back and the man catches her. I once heard someone say this move exhibits the trust a man and woman feel between each other.

"Mild Seven Hill" - Mild Seven Hills, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
Mild Seven is a famous brand of tobacco in Japan, although now renamed Mevius. Years ago a TV commercial for the Mild Seven was filmed in these hills which actually made the area famous. The spot is still a popular tourist destination in Hokkaido in the summertime. In winter, it has a completely different beauty that I love.

"Three Wise Men" - Mild Seven Hills, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
These three were also taken at Mild Seven Hill. A late afternoon sun is trying its best to push through snow.

"Barn" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
4:5 Aspect Ratio - Black and White
Located in Mild Seven Hills, this barn seemed so perfectly at home even in feet of deep snow. As with many others, I love the snow flakes in the air which are only seen with the barn as a backdrop. When the snow melts, I'm sure everything inside will be coming out to work.

"Yoichi Bay" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
Yoichi Bay is located on the southeastern edge of the Shakotan Peninsula and faces the Sea of Japan. Nearby is the town of Yoichi which has become a prominent tourist destination. The seaside is a popular surfing venue through the winter time, then calming down in the summertime.
Yoichi is also famous for its fruit, particularly apples, and wine, and Yoichi apple juice is also famous throughout Japan. Yoichi is also becoming a well-known wine region.

"Sixteen Trees" - Takushinkan, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
This was taken with peaceful, but heavy snowfall. The morning sun was attempting to fight its way into the scene. While visibility was obviously reduced to a few yards, it wasn't too cold and a pleasure to experience. In summertime, this same place is gorgeous in a different way with patchwork fields and rows of colorful flowers. The 16 trees planted in a row adorn the separation between two cultivated field areas. Here the soil is resting under the snow getting ready for the next season as it always has.
To capture this one, I increased shutter speed to 1/200 of a second so that the trees would be more visible. By stopping the snowflake movement, one can actually see through the snowfall better. Even so, the distant trees still almost disappear. In order to achieve 1/200 of a second, I set the aperture to F/5.6 and the ISO to 200. Please click on the image for an enlarged version of the picture and you can actually see the snow better.

"Sixteen Trees, Study 2" - Takushinkan, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
This perspective of sixteen trees in the same conditions as sixteen trees above, but taken from the side. When I look at this, for some reason the words "Family Tree" come to mind. But I think this is better described as "Tree Family"!

"Cape Eboshi" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
4:5 Aspect Ratio - Color
Cape Eboshi is located on the northwest coastline of Hokkaido facing the Sea of Japan, not far from the city of Sapporo. This natural promontory was shaped by thousands of years of uneven coastal erosion. At some point the front face collapsed into the sea revealing a near perfect isosceles triangle. The triangle goes nearly unnoticed unless the light is just right, together with the snow clinging to more gradual surfaces.

"Cape Eboshi, Study 2" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
4:5 Aspect Ratio - Color
Cape Eboshi together with an adjacent bat type structure unusually carved through gradual erosion. The beach sand is a beautiful brown color.

"Cape Eboshi, Study 3" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
1:1 Square Aspect Ratio - Color
Cape Eboshi is located on the northwest coastline of Hokkaido facing the Sea of Japan, not far from the city of Sapporo. This natural promontory was shaped by thousands of years of uneven coastal erosion. At some point the front face collapsed into the sea revealing a near perfect isosceles triangle. The triangle goes nearly unnoticed unless the light is just right, together with the snow clinging to more gradual surfaces.

"Christmas Tree" - Biei, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
This 25 foot tall spruce tree is located near the town of Biei and is aptly named "Christmas Tree" for it resembles one, and some say that its tip looks like a star. Its towering presence is actually in the middle of a private farm. In summertime, the tree stands in a border between two separate fields.

"Going Home" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
4:5 Aspect Ratio - Black and White
For some reason I think of Currier and Ives when I look at this. Hokkaido is a very snowy place. Here, the ever present freezing precipitation continues to fall. To capture the essence of it, one only needs to watch the locals going about a normal day. Nobody seems to give the deep snow a second thought. This country road appears to serve a number of farm homes and I'm sure this is what it looks like for months on end as they come and go.

"Hot House" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
1:1 Square Aspect Ratio - Black and White
It seemed to me as though many, if not most of the farms were equipped with these green house style structures. When in use, they are covered with clear plastic allowing them to produce through the winter and in preparation of spring.
This one was uncovered which I thought must have some kind of meaning. Perhaps one part without the other doesn't work?

"Teshikaga Fenceline" - Teshikaga, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
These rolling hills and pasture land are very distinctive and beautiful in winter. They are located near the town of Teshikaga in the subprefecture of Kussharo. Again, these are agricultural lands, but without many trees, the landscape is windblown.

"Three Trees in Teshikaga Hills" - Teshikaga, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Color
Repeating from above, these rolling hills and pasture land are very distinctive and beautiful in winter. They are located near the town of Teshikaga in the subprefecture of Kussharo. Again, these are agricultural lands, but without many trees, the landscape is windblown.

"Coke Machine" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
1:1 Square Aspect Ratio - Color
Japan must be the world capital of vending machines. I think I read or heard there is one vending machine for every 23 persons in the country. And they are nice ones too. Almost anything you can imagine is sold through vending machines.
This Coke machine is curiously standing by itself along side a country road, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. It's on and open for business, ready to serve up either hot or cold beverages. But one might want a pair of snow shoes to get to it!

"Lake Saroma" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
This time of year, Lake Saroma is covered fully with ice except where there may be some underwater hot spring. This beautiful early morning shot features the lake with the moon setting in the distance. The magenta color on the horizon is a signature color for Hokkaido which we haven't seen that much this year due to the snowy weather.
This image is presented in full color, even though it has the appearance of being a split tone. I love how the two dominant tones work together.

"Maruyama" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
Located near the town of Karachi, on the shores of Lake Saroma is this beautiful meadow. In the distance is the hill named Maruyama. This image makes a beautiful Panorama.

"Leaning Trees" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
This beautiful image was again captured in high wind and driving snow. In this case, the trees are actually leaning into the wind. I believe normally the wind would be coming from the opposite direction. I intentionally used a slightly longer shutter speed in order to create a streaking effect by the blowing snow.