"Sun Voyager" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone
In 1986, the city of Reykjavik funded a competition for an outdoor sculpture to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the city of Reykjavík. Jón Gunnar’s Sun Voyager won the competition, and the model was presented to the city for enlargement. The full-sized Sun Voyager was eventually unveiled on Sæbraut on the birthday of the city of Reykjavík, August 18, 1990.
It is a common misunderstanding that Sun Voyager is a Viking Ship. Sun Voyager was essentially envisaged as being a dreamboat, an ode to the sun symbolizing light and hope.

"Kirkjufell Falls" - Iceland - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Color
Kirkjufell is a 463 m high mountain on the north coast of Iceland's Snæfellsnes peninsula, near the town of Grundarfjörður. It is claimed to be the most photographed mountain in the country. Kirkjufell was one of the filming locations for Game of Thrones season 6 and 7, featuring as the "arrowhead mountain" that the Hound and the company north of the Wall see when capturing a wight.
The falls in the foreground are actually on private land, but the owner is kind enough to allow photographers on site. The Northern Lights images (further down) were taken at this mountain, but at night and from completely different angles.

"First Snow" - Iceland - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Black & White
This was taken on October 7 near Midfell, a prominent point at 1,657 feet elevation on the western side of Iceland. What a beautiful country with welcoming people. The weather ranged like this in the upper elevations to rainy along the coastlines where vegetation with beautiful fall colors can be found.

"Secret Falls" - Iceland - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Color
I called this one Secret Falls because I don't know the real name of it. I only know it is less visited than some of the other famous falls.

"Ines and Celine" - Iceland - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Color
This one has a neat story and special meaning. I wanted to get a shot of the waterfall with people in it so the scale of the falls were more apparent. I noticed two pretty ladies standing nearby, I later learned their names Ines and Celine. I asked if they would help me with a picture. They agreed and I was able to get this shot. After a brief conversation, I agreed to send them a print, which I have done. Many thanks to Ines and Celine.

"Kirkjufell Aurora, Study 1" - Iceland - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Color
The first attempt at this shot came on a dark, rainy night. The sky was almost completely overcast and rain was coming and going. My camera was covered up to stay dry on the tripod. After over an hour of waiting, the rain briefly subsided and a slight break in the clouds revealed the beautiful Aurora to the north with the Big Dipper peaking through the clouds, accurately pointing the way to the North Star.

"Kirkjufell Aurora, Study 2" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
The next night was beautifully clear with literally millions of stars visible. And the Aurora was active. So now, from a different location than the night before I caught this image again with the Big Dipper above Kirkjufell. With a fairly clear atmosphere, there was a lot more purple visible in the Northern Lights.

"Black Sand Beach" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Black & White
Black Sand Beach. Iceland. One of the most unusual beaches on the planet is located near the village of Vik in Iceland. This was taken in the early dawn when the personality of the beach is extremely serene and calming. And naturally, I love this in black & white.

"Búðakirkja Church" - Iceland - 2018
2:1 Aspect Ratio - Black & White - Panorama
Búðakirkja church was erected in 1703 by Bent Lárusson, who was a merchant in Búðir. It rotted down but was rebuilt by Steinunn Sveinsdóttir in 1848. Legend has it that she did this following a request by Bent Lárusson in a dream. In 1984, the church was moved in one piece from the old graveyard onto its current foundations. The church was renovated to the form it was thought to have had in 1848, and was re-consecrated in 1987. The church is a listed building owned by the National Museum of Iceland, but it is in the care of the Búðir parish. Búðir and Búðakirkja have a romantic air about them, and the place is popular for weddings.

"Earthen Church" - Iceland - 2-18
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Black & White
Speaking of churches, this turf covered church apparently is somewhat of a rarity today, although perhaps not always rare. I was especially impressed with the turf covered graves. The setting is very beautiful.

"South Coast Rain" - Iceland - 2018
2:1 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone - Panorama
Autumn rain often comes and goes all day long. One minute it's a bright day and the next minute raining. This panorama captures the peaceful rhythm along the southern shores.

"Four Rocks" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone
Similarly, this taken at sunset highlights the volcanic make up of Iceland.

"Vestrahorn from Stokksness Beach" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone
The Mountain of Vestrahorn is located on the Stokksness peninsula in southeast Iceland. It's steep slopes reach a flat lagoon, small black sand dunes and the Atlantic Ocean making it one of the most beautiful landscapes in all of Iceland. I chose to present several studies of Vestrahorn in Split-Tone to unify the various points of view.

"Vestrahorn" - Iceland - 2018
2:1 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone - Panorama
This view of the Mountain of Vestrahorn showcases all the main peaks which serve as a buttress toward the ocean on Stokksness peninsula. This high resolution panorama is beautiful enlarged in print.

"Vestrahorn from the Rocks" - Iceland - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone
Yet another entirely different personality as the ocean wears away at the volcanic rocks along the shore opposite the mountain.

"Kambhorn Peak" - Iceland - 2018
2:3 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone - Portrait
Following in the same theme at Vestrahorn, here is a portrait style study of the easternmost side with the prominent Kambhorn Peak.

"Black Dunes of Kambhorn" - Iceland - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone
And the last in this series, the land offers us these black volcanic sand dunes with grass across the top.

"Glacier Lagoon" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Black & White
As the glaciers calve, chunks large and small drift across Glacier Lagoon making their way toward the ocean. Here ice chunks get hung up before making their final push to the sea.

"Ice Beach Sunrise" - Iceland - 2018
1:1 Aspect Ratio - Color
Once ejected out to the ocean, glacier ice often finds itself washed back up to the beach. Morning comes with the latest crop.

"Ice Beach" - Iceland - 2018
4:5 Aspect Ratio - Color - Portrait
Like snowflakes, no two pieces of ice are the same shape. Each one is its own sculpture.

"Glacier Ice" - Iceland - 2018
2:1 Aspect Ratio - Color - Panorama
This photograph highlights the blue color of the glacier ice. It's said that you can drink any fresh water on the island wherever you find it!

"Icelandic Horse" - Iceland - 2018
4:5 Aspect Ratio - Color - Portrait
The Icelandic Horse is a common sight throughout the country. The breed is a major export for Iceland, and no horses are ever imported back so as to avoid importing any disease.

"Tjornin Lake" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
Right in the heart of the city is this beautiful lake. The beautiful autumn colors made for the perfect setting.

"Harpa Concert Hall" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
Harpa is a concert hall and conference center in Reykjavik. The opening concert was held on May 4, 2011. The building features a distinctive colored glass facade inspired by the basalt landscape of Iceland. It's situated beside the harbor.