"Botnhamnveien Shed" - Norway - February 2020
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Selenium Tone Black and White
Fishing is prolific in these arctic waters. Some of the richest fishing grounds in the world. This fishing shed waits quietly for warmer temperatures when things start back up. It's located on the Botnhamnveien Fjord.
For you photographers, this image was captured late afternoon nearing darkness with a 13 second exposure at f/9.0 and ISO 100. The focal length was 17mm. The result was softened skies and flat water with just enough shimmer staying honest to the cold temperatures.

"Arctic Landscape" - Norway - February 2020
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Selenium Tone Black & White
After some absence I submit this image. The year of Covid has sidelined me from photography. As news of the virus was spreading in early 2020, I was photographing the beauty of arctic Norway on the island of Senja along the Norwegian Sea coastline. The scenery is hard to describe in words. Not far from the Russian border, winters are long and dark, but breathtaking with the most amazing atmospheric light one can imagine.
For you photographers, this image was captured with a 35mm lens at ISO 100 at f/4.0 and 1/4 second exposure.

"Mesa Arch" - Canyonlands National Park - 2017
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
Recently I heard the phrase "We see a light at the end of the tunnel". I think these proverbial words have never meant more than now. About the time we think things can't get worse, it's nice to be reminded that tomorrow is another day, and yes, the sun will rise and life will go on.
Mesa Arch is located in Canyonlands National Park, Utah, near Moab. We love Utah and find a spiritual, wholesome beauty to it.
For you photographers, this was taken with a 16mm lens. It was captured at 6:46am in very chilly air, soon after the actual sunrise as there was a bank of clouds the sun had to clear. I chose an f/20 aperture at ISO100 in order to create the 'star' effect around the sun.

"New Beginnings" - Overland Park Arburetum, Kansas - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color Macro
I suspect this image will have a different meaning for every person. Let's pray that we get through this Corona Virus nightmare soon and be thankful once again for all things normal!
For you photographers, this was taken with a 100mm macro lens. There was a slight breeze so I set the shutter speed to 1/200 second, ISO 400 and f/11 to keep the whole plant in focus.

"2020 Champions" - Kansas City - 2020
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color Oil Paint Technique
This commemorative print is dedicated to a great Chief's organization, and to the thousands of supporters who never gave up. This is the year, finally, this is it! The 2020 Kansas City Chiefs become Super Bowl LIV Champions. After decades of relentless faith, the reward is so sweet. The Chiefs Kingdom are champions once again!
There were over 800,000 fans gathered for the victory parade and rally to celebrate. The pent up energy was palpable. If you've never been around this much excitement all at once, it is amazing.
I am offering this commemorative print in the standard size of 36" x 18" on canvas, varnished and stretch ready for only $75 with a certificate of authenticity. Custom sizes are also available. Please email me at rickheiniger@mac.com to order.
For you photographers, the image was captured with ISO 200, 1/30 second at f/9 with a focal length of 143mm. Because of the timeless nature of the moment, I chose to apply oil paint technique.

"Bali Rice Fields" - Bali, Indonesia - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
Bali is famously known for its creative use of natural resources and most of the four million population work in agriculture. Only 8 degrees south of the equator, the climate lends itself well to year-round production, but there is very little flat land for irrigation. For over a thousand years, farmers have worked out a system of water sharing, where mountain runoff is channeled consecutively from one farm to another, from one terrace to another so that every farmer eventually gets the necessary water!
This picture was taken as the maturing rice is evidenced by the light yellow shading of the crop. The white flags work as scarecrows to keep birds away. The entire process from planting to harvest is done manually. Despite its uniqueness, Bali still imports most of the rice it consumes.
For you photographers, the image was captured with ISO 100, 1/800 second at f/6.3 with a focal length of 35mm.

"Covered Bridge No. 2" - Parkville, Missouri - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
This image was captured here in the bluffs of the Missouri River which is prevalent in my hometown of Parkville, Missouri. It stands as a treasure in our neighborhood connecting paths on both sides of the creek. Now, though, the bridge rests quietly awaiting the greening of the spring.
Remarkably, this photo is presented in full color! The true colors are represented clearly. I invite you to enlarge the image to view it more closely. You can do this by clicking right on the image where it will take you to my website.
For you photographers, the image was captured with ISO 100, 1/100 second at f/9.0. It was fairly early in the morning with an ice haze in the air which created a nice backdrop.

"Christmas Tree" - Biei, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
This 25 foot tall spruce tree is located near the town of Biei and is aptly named "Christmas Tree" for it resembles one, and some say that its tip looks like a star. Its towering presence is actually in the middle of a private farm. In summertime, the tree stands in a border between two separate fields.

"Winter Wheat" - Whitman County, WA - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
There are few sights more lovely than a beautiful rolling field of wheat. Especially at the moment this was taken as the heads are still vertical just before the turn. The beards are facing skyward creating the most beautiful carpet for the perfect photograph.
Washington is is the third largest wheat producing state in the country and known for extremely high quality. This wheat will be consumed in hundreds of countries all over the world. This particular type of wheat is used mainly for bakery products other than bread. For example it would be used for pastries, cakes, cereals, flat breads and crackers. It has slightly lower protein and low gluten.

"Steptoe Butte" - Whitman County, WA - 2019
2.5:1 Aspect Ratio (Wide Panorama) - Color
Steptoe Butte is a quartzite island jutting out of the silty loess of the Palouse Hills. The 3,612 foot butte is preserved as Steptoe Butte State Park. The view from the top is spectacular with up to 100 miles visibility!
The rock that forms the butte is over 400 million years old, in contrast with the 15 million year old Columbia River Basalts that underlie the surrounding farmland.
This image is presented in an ultra wide 2.5:1 panorama in stunning detail. I'm getting more and more requests for wider panorama prints. Our prints are intentionally designer friendly with a variety of shapes, soft colors and interesting subjects to compliment any space. Wide walls sometimes present a problem that a beautiful panorama can help to solve! You'll see more panoramas from me in the future.
For you photographers, this was a telephoto shot (176mm) taken at ISO 100, f/11 at 1/15 second. No filters were used as the natural light was nearly perfect for my taste.

"Ad Astra Per Aspera" - Flint Hills, Kansas - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
Ahh, an August twilight in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas. Imagine yourself right here in a different time, say 1861 as Kansas proudly became the 34th state.
It was that year the first legislature adopted the state's seal and motto. "Ad Astra Per Aspera", the latin meaning "To The Stars Through Difficulty". How appropriate! Their hardships were great, and yet the contribution Kansas has made to the nation far exceeds what they may have imagined.
This photograph was taken just as the nighttime dampness was settling on every surface. Just two hours earlier, rain clouds obscured the night sky, but they moved on revealing billions of stars, the glorious Milky Way, Jupiter and Saturn which all came clearly into view. Looking up, one would imagine this was the sight our forefathers would have seen at night as they slept out in the open.
For you photographers, I used an ISO of 6400 at f/2.8 and a 30 second exposure. Any longer and the stars would have looked like little streaks! It was captured with a Canon 5D Mark IV, lens set wide at 16mm.

"Barn And Garbonzos" - Pullman, Washington - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
This location is just a short distance from the Snake River in the storied Palouse region of Washington. Here, the fertile soil absorbs moisture throughout the winter, storing it deep underground. Then during the growing season, the crop absorbs that moisture directly into the roots without the necessity of irrigation.
You're looking at a field of Garbonzo beans. The plants are almost fully sprouted and ready to grow quickly which will cover the hills in a a very solid green color.
The aging barn, like many in the Palouse, remains from an earlier time. There seems to be a symbiotic relationship between it and the land it has served for so many years.

"Palouse Sunset" - Steptoe, Washington - 2019
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Color
The hills of the area are distinctive and beautiful. Here you'll find various crops in rotation including several varieties of wheat, barley, canola, and lentils. And for those who love hummus, this is an important area for producing garbanzo beans.
What makes the Palouse so productive is deep, rich soil, built up millions of years ago as wind blown loess. Winter rain soaks in deep and crop roots can go many feet down. Modern farming practices protect the soil from erosion and preserves its bounty.
The above photo is taken as wheat harvest nears. As you can see the colors of the evening are spectacular.

"Senglea" - Malta - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio (Panorama) - Color
We spent a few weeks in Malta recently. I can say with complete confidence it would be an interesting visit for anyone. The geographic location of the island is historically significant affecting all of civilization throughout the centuries and millenniums. While this wasn't a 'photography' trip for me, I still managed to take a few pictures.
Nestled in the central portion of the Grand Harbour, the above photograph is of Senglea. Senglea, along with its sister cities of Cospicua and Vittoriosa are known as the "Three Cities" which are of great historical importance in Malta. Most notably, the three cities where the Knights of St. John defended and won against the "Great Siege" and massive invasion by the Ottoman Empire in 1565.
Remarkably, some 500 Knights along with a few hundred foot soldiers and a total population of only 6,100 residents miraculously repelled the Ottoman invasion force estimated at over 40,000!

"Cape Eboshi, Study 3" - Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
1:1 Square Aspect Ratio - Color
Cape Eboshi is located on the northwest coastline of Hokkaido facing the Sea of Japan, not far from the city of Sapporo. This natural promontory was shaped by thousands of years of uneven coastal erosion. At some point the front face collapsed into the sea revealing a near perfect isosceles triangle. The triangle goes nearly unnoticed unless the light is just right, together with the snow clinging to more gradual surfaces.

"Sixteen Trees" - Takushinkan, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
2:1 Aspect Ratio, Color
This was taken with peaceful, but heavy snowfall. The morning sun was attempting to fight its way into the scene. While visibility was obviously reduced to a few yards, it wasn't too cold and a pleasure to experience. In summertime, this same place is gorgeous in a different way with patchwork fields and rows of colorful flowers. The 16 trees planted in a row adorn the separation between two cultivated field areas. Here the soil is resting under the snow getting ready for the next season as it always has.
To capture this one, I increased shutter speed to 1/200 of a second so that the trees would be more visible. By stopping the snowflake movement, one can actually see through the snowfall better. Even so, the distant trees still almost disappear. In order to achieve 1/200 of a second, I set the aperture to F/5.6 and the ISO to 200. Please click on the image for an enlarged version of the picture and you can actually see the snow better.

"Tempest" - Lake Kussharo, Hokkaido, Japan - 2019
Aspect Ratio 3:2 - Color
This photo was taken on the shore of Lake Kusharro in Hokkaido, Japan. It's entitled "Tempest" because literally the wind was howling. No idea how fast, but high enough I had to weigh down my tripod to keep it from vibrating. The snow was blowing right to left, almost horizontally. In Kansas we call this a blizzard!
In order to capture individual flakes of snow, I increased my camera ISO to 1600, set the aperture to F/6.3 and the shutter speed to 1/320 second. You may need to click on the photo to enlarge it to see the effect. I also made the decision to present this image to you in full color.
Hokkaido is an absolute winter wonderland in January. I spent 10 days there photographing beautiful winter landscapes. It snowed literally every single day with temperatures ranging from from 0 to 15 degrees F. I'll share more photos and tell more about the trip next month.

"Celebration" - Motu Tapu, French Polynesia - 2018
Aspect Ratio 2:1, Panorama - Black & White
This photo was taken on the island of Motu Tapu. The ship's amazing crew had prepared an evening meal ashore along with entertainment. The sun was just setting on the horizon. I asked two of the crew to pose silhouette's for me in the sunset. They graciously agreed!
I call this one "Celebration" because that was the mood everyone seemed to be in as we prepared for the evening to come. I saw how the spirit of the crew of Wind Spirit was infectious and added so much to our enjoyment.

"Crescent" - Motu Tapu, French Polynesia - 2018
Aspect Ratio: 2:1, Panorama - Black and White
This was captured toward the end of the day on tiny Motu Tapu. This is one of a collection of other images I'll be placing online next month.

"Vestrahorn from Stokksness Beach" - Iceland - 2018
3:2 Aspect Ratio - Split-Tone
The Mountain of Vestrahorn is located on the Stokksness peninsula in southeast Iceland. It's steep slopes reach a flat lagoon, small black sand dunes and the Atlantic Ocean making it one of the most beautiful landscapes in all of Iceland. I chose to present several studies of Vestrahorn in Split-Tone to unify the various points of view.

"First Snow" - Iceland - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Black & White
This was taken on October 7 near Midfell, a prominent point at 1,657 feet elevation on the western side of Iceland. What a beautiful country with welcoming people. The weather ranged like this in the upper elevations to rainy along the coastlines where vegetation with beautiful fall colors can be found.

"KC Skyline" - Kansas City - 2018
2:1 Aspect Ratio - Color Panorama
This photograph was captured from the location of Lewis and Clark's encampment on June 26, 1804. It was taken at 10:04 PM on June 27, 2018 which coincidentally is one of the rare times when the full moon rises during twilight hours over Kansas City looking from that location. This would have been the view they had with the moon, but minus the buildings. What would they have thought of this view had they been able to time travel to present day!

"Liberty Tower" - Kansas City - 2018
5:4 Aspect Ratio - Black & White
Liberty Tower rises 265 feet above the ground and is part of the National World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City. The complex is known simply as the Liberty Memorial. Opening in 1926, the Art Deco design has proven to be timeless.
The declared mission of the museum and memorial is to be "dedicated to remembering, interpreting and understanding the Great War and its enduring impact on the global community.
Visitors enter the facility across a glass bridge above a field of 9,000 red poppies, each one representing 1,000 combatant deaths.

"Topo Chico" - 2018
Aspect Ratio 1:1 - Color
Nathan DeCaro, famous chef, handed me a bottle of Topo Chico and asked me to photograph it. This will ultimately be a picture in the health conscious cafeteria at Pro-Athlete!